Ice dyed galaxy woven wrap


Awesome tutorial!! I am doing this for a friend and maybe one for myself in the future!! 🙂



Starting from the beginning:

fabric used-linen blend from joann

dye used-dylon from joann

other supplies- salt, soda ash/ washing soda, glue, gloves, bucket, tray, ice

After washing my fabric a few times with hot water I did a soda ash pre soak for about 1/2 hour. 1/2 cup soda ash per gallon in the bucket till all the fabric was covered. Then wring out and air dry. Once dried take Elmer’s washable blue gel glue to make a resist on the fabric. I did random dots to look like stars. These will wash out when you do all the washing after the dye has I got my bucket and rack set up. I used a part of our dogs crate but you can use any any rack that will hold your fabric above your bucket or sink. Then I took my fabric and bunched it up in no…

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A Very Late Post


Hello!!! It has been quite awhile since I have made a post and even though making posts isn’t something I’m required to do, I am a little disappointed with myself because I miss posting! 🙂

Anyway, this is a very late post but a couple months ago I finally finished one of the DIY CarSeat Ponchos I was making for my kids!

My older two kids picked out their own fabric and I used a mixture of two tutorials that I found in a DIY group I’m in on Facebook.

After weeks of delaying and saying I was going to do it and hauling the fabric with me to and from my mom’s house, in the hopes I would get motivated to do it, I finally did it one night Hubby had off work. I made the hoods first.


Then Hubby helped me lay out the two layers of yards of fabric and cut them evenly. Followed closely by pinning them 🙂 First our middle child’s, our son William….


Then our oldest child’s, our daughter Isabelle…..


I will admit, it is well after midnight by this time and this was one of the most extensive projects I had done in YEARS!! So while we were doing the hood on William, my machine started goofing up and missed a few small spots. Pretty good given the fact that it was going through six layers of fleece fabric lol!! At the end, my bobbin thread got hugely tangled (at almost 4am) and I broke down and started crying because I thought I ruined it 😦 Put everything away and went to bed…..

Took it out a couple days later and it was perfect (except two tiny spots that one layer is missed on the inside lol)!!!!


He Loved it and it kept him nice and snuggly warm lol!! 🙂


Still have to sew the hood on Isabelle’s, I will finish it before this winter! But first I am doing some other smaller projects to redevelop my basic sewing skills so hopefully I won’t meltdown again if my machine and I are very tired lol 😛


Believe in yourselves!! And sew on!! 🙂 😀

Goddess Freyja

Goddess Freyja

Journeying to the Goddess

“Freyja” by Lisa Iris

“Freyja’s themes are devotion, strength, the sun, magic and passion. Her symbols are lions and strawberries.  In Nordic tradition, Freyja’s name means ‘lady’. Generally speaking, it is Her domain to care for matters of the heart. In mythology, Freyja is stunningly beautiful, a mistress to the gods and She appears driving a chariot pulled by cats. When saddened, Freyja cries gold tears, and She wears a shining golden necklace (alluding to some solar associations). Many people in northern climes credit Her for teaching magic to mankind.

In astrology, people born under the sign of Leo are energetic and filled with Freyja’s solar aspect. And, like Freyja, they are ardent, dynamic lovers. If your love life needs a pick-me-up, Freyja’s your Goddess to call on. Start with a bowl if strawberries and melted chocolate that you feed to your lover. Remember to nibble passionately while noting into…

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Goddess Bast

Goddess Bast

Journeying to the Goddess

“Bast – Egyptian Cat Goddess” by Sharon George

“Bast’s themes are animals, magic, overcoming, playfulness, joy and humor.  Her symbols are cats.  Bast is the Egyptian cat-faced Goddess of sorcery, beneficence, joy, dance and fertility. Being a cat in nature, Bast teaches us to land on our feet in any situation, using a positive, playful attitude as our best ally. Bast and Her minions were so revered in Egypt that to kill cats was a crime punishable by death. Archaeologists uncovered mummified cats there, whose owners wanted the companionship of cats even in the afterlife. May is one of Bast’s traditional festival months.

In Belgium, people dress as cats today and hold a parade, known as The Kattenstoet, in which Bast is featured as the Queen of Cats. So think cat magic! If there’s a cat in your life, pamper the creature today and include it in spell craft as…

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Baby’s Hungry: A Daddy’s Perspective on Nursing (and Nursing in Public)


As a breastfeeding Mother, I wanted to Reblog this because this blog post is AMAZING!!! I breastfed my first child for 3 weeks then gave up due to lack of support and lack of knowledge. Then I went on to breastfeed my second until he chose to self wean at 18 months. Breastfeeding a toddler didn’t go over well with many people I encountered, especially because his last 6 months, I was pregnant with my third. I am now going strong with my 5 month old and will breastfeed until he decides to self wean. Love this blog post – How public is too public? How old is too old?

The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies

by Jay Parr

I was about twelve, riding the DC Metrobus home from school, when a woman started complaining loudly about another woman breastfeeding her baby on the bus. I didn’t see anything, so I don’t know if the nursing mother was covered up or not, but that’s irrelevant here. The complaining woman made her way up to the driver, a taciturn and tough-looking man who looked like he would as soon cut your throat as say hello (I remember him because he drove that route often). He focused on the afternoon traffic as the woman complained, until he came to a light and she demanded, “Well? Aren’t you going to do something?”

The driver looked out at the cross traffic for a moment, absently drumming his fingers on the fare box, then turned to the woman and shrugged.

“Baby’s hungry.”

I can’t say for certain that the woman immediately…

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Is Beauty always what it seems? Always a good thing?


Movies about high school, the most beautiful and popular girl….
Shallow and mean, almost evil…

Nature, beautiful and amazing snow scenery…..
Thousands without power, car accidents, money down the drain, parents unsure if little ones will be able to have a good Christmas now….


How can something so beautiful be so devastating? So opposite of what it appears?




Not always a good thing…

Not always what it seems…



Fun things you see at Walmart & on the way


I’m sure everyone has heard or seen the stereotypes that have to do with Walmart. If you haven’t, just google The People of Walmart and you should find plenty of funny things. Well, this post is a little late but with Christmas and everything, I figured it would be understandable.

During one day of Christmas shopping, hubby and I were on our way to Walmart. We were stopped at a red light when we looked over at the Burger King on the right side of the street. What we saw made me laugh out loud!!!


You can’t really tell because we were a little far away but….do you see the lump on the top of this car that is in the drive threw???


How about now?? That, my friends, is a deer! This person went hunting, bagged a deer, and then thought to themselves “Hey, let’s celebrate with some Burger King!!” Lol, I feel bad for the drive threw workers, can you imagine opening that window to the blast of dead deer carcass?? Blah!!!

Then we were driving around in the Walmart parking lot, looking for a parking spot. Drove past this car and had to put us in reverse so I could check to make sure I saw what I thought I saw lol.


I did blur the license plate to protect identities and all that stuff. But look!! A purple mustache on a car!!!


This was so funny, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve seen reindeer noses but never mustaches lol. I normally don’t follow the stereotypes of Walmart but these are definitely giving me pause lol.


Does anyone else see funny things on cars? Going down the road? In parking lots? Are you weird like me and take pictures or just laugh in the moment and let it go lol?

17 Things Boys Need from their Moms


Very sweet. Love this ❤ I do many of these with my two boys, some they are too young for 🙂

Life As I Know It

Children need many things from their parents. They need stability, protection, nurturing, and love. They also need other things, different things from each of their parents. I have seen several such lists, and I wanted to add my opinion into the mix.

Because I am a mommy to a little boy, this is what I know. So, here’s the list of things I pray I give to my little guy, in order to help him grow into a good man – the things I think every little boy needs from his mom.

A boy needs:

To be showered with affection – hugs, kisses, all of it. Until he is big enough to not want that anymore. Then he needs you to ruffle his hair, put your hand on his shoulder, and hug him anyway. He needs to know the importance of human contact so that he doesn’t keep it from…

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